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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 3, 2022

Miniworkflow Approve content fails while lock model

- there are 2 models, both use same objects as occurrence copies
- start "Approve content" on model1
- wait until human task "Approve content" is reached
- start "Approve content" on model2
Result: workflow fails at function "lock model"

Mail Message
Subject: Process Governance error
Dear Process Governance administrator,

An unexpected error occurred performing activity 'Lock model' with GUID 'd90ff056-eaca-11e2-0dd1-782bcb20a248' in model 'Approve content' in process 'Approve content'.

The error occurred in the process instance that was created on 06/8/2016 at 10:04 by system. The instance was started in this context:


Error description: 'Locking model 'Model2' with objects failed because locking was not possible for some of the model's objects.'. Refer to the attached technical details to obtain further information.

Best regards,
Process Governance
Attachments: input.xml, error.txt

- edit model ARIS Connect Governance Models/Main group/02 Processes/Model workflows/Approve content/Approve content
- open data flow of function "Lock model"
- remove "True" from "Include objects"
- add constant "False" to "Include objects"
- deploy process (I will send you an additional email how to do that).

Please implement a way for future versions, that the mini workflow doesn't fail in this case.

see also

1107705 Freigabe Prozess bricht ab
5203542 Process Governance Error
5238473 Miniworkflow Approve content fails while lock model
5248772 Approve model' mini workflow not working.
5191584 Approve model' Process in error when objects are locked
5193640 Freigabeprozess in ARIS Process Governance bricht während der Freigabe ab
5196085 ARIS Process Governance - Fehler bei Modellfreigabe wegen Modellsperren

Brainstorm ID 4239
Created on Brainstorm 11/07/2016 07:19 AM
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