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Status Planned
Created by Janno Jekel
Created on Jan 5, 2022

Customizing options for the landing page in ARIS Connect

Dear Software AG,

Since we upgraded our ARIS platform we are using the new configuration of the landing page in ARIS Connect. It looks really nice and is easy to customize with the WYSIWYG-editor.

However, the options when it comes to sizing and editing the lay-out of the page, components and items within the components is very basic. It would be nice if we got a bit more flexibility to edit the landing page.

A few issues we have with the current landing page:
- The maximum width of the components is limited. However, on a widescreen monitor (which most modern monitors are) there will be a lot of unused space on the left and right of the content which cannot be used currently. It would be nice if we can adjust the size of the space where the components should fit in.
- In the 'Quick links' component you can adjust the size of the buttons that should appear in the component. Unfortunately there seems to be set a limit on the minimum size. When you resize the Quick Links component to the smallest possible option, the buttons of your Quick Links will always be wider than the component itself.
- Content within a component will aligns always to the left side of the component. It would be nice to have the option to align the content to the left, center and the right of the component.
- It seems that the sizing of the components uses some sort of predefined grid. The space between those steps in that 'grid' are quite large. As a result it happens that content sometimes doesn't fit, but making the component just one step larger results in extra, unused space. It would be nice if the steps used for the sizing of the components would be a bit smaller, making it more flexible to adjust the size of the component to our own wishes.

In addition, not all components get a scroll bar if the content of the component exceeds the size of the component. As a result not everything is visible for the users. It would be nice if these scroll bars will become available if the content of the component exceeds the size of the component, or that you can make a choice yourself if you want to have scroll bars or not.

Kind regards,
Janno Jekel

Brainstorm ID 9662
Created on Brainstorm 12/08/2021 08:47 AM
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