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Workspace Dashboarding
Created by Veronika Prueher-Pilsl
Created on Jan 6, 2022

Export of Dashboard graphics

At the moment it is possible to export the data of a dashboard as a CSV file. It would be good if it was possible to export the data and the dashboard graphic into e.g. an xls file, maybe using a report.

Brainstorm ID 6875
Created on Brainstorm 03/28/2019 05:05 AM
  • Kavitha Pillai
    Aug 31, 2023

    Exporting graphics of the dashboard to a .pdf file would be helpful as well.

  • +3

Export Widget in pdf format

Hello maybe is not the right category. Many our customers asked for having the possibility to export charts (bar chart, columns chart, ...) available with Aware as pdf file. Is it possible to think about it? they said that other suppliers (in visu...
Alessia Graci about 1 year ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting