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Status Open for voting
Created by Nemanja Djukic
Created on Jul 11, 2022

'My content' by default 'On'

The number of customers using the 'My content' filter is growing, which enables us to filter out the content in the ARIS database for business and non business users. It would be great if we can the possibility to have the content filter turned on when a user logs into the ARIS Connect portal for the first time for the non business users. The non business user is not familiar with ARIS and is just looking for there relevant content.

If we can have the 'My content' filter turned on by default the first time they log into the portal, it would lessen the burden for our customer to have to create an additional instruction for end users to turn of the filter. This makes it more user friendly and less complicated for end-users. This functionality would allow for more flexibility on how the 'My content' filter is used. Our customer Philips has already asked if this functionality exists and we needed to inform them that this is no possible, even though it would be sense.