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Created by Nemanja Djukic
Created on Jun 10, 2022

Add 'Not' operator for transformation mappings in ARIS Connect XML configuration

The current XML configuration allows for you to retrieve results when a connection is there, when a occurrence exist on a model or when an attribute has a specific value.

There are various scenarios where a you would like the opposite of that result, when something is not present. This functionality would make it much easier to filter out specific data that does not meet standard scenarios, differentiate between data and overall lower the data maintenance in general.

Image you have a high impact Risk object. You maintain an attribute to identify this 'High impact' Risk object. Now you would like to show which Risk are of 'High impact' in the portal into two separate sections or lists. You cannot do that without also having to identify the 'Regular impact' Risk, there's no way to get two separate list of Risk, because you only can now only filter out the 'High Impact' attribute. You need to also maintain data to get the 'Regular impact' Risk. This is a maintenance burden and impact the performance of the system if you need to set this attribute for all Risk objects. Especially when you are working in a database that has thousands of connections, models and objects.

This is just one example where a 'Not' operator or modifier would help to get data that is not maintained somehow, but there a various scenarios where this kind of functionality would help the customer and the people who configure the ARIS Connect portal to get this kind of data. As already mentioned this 'Not' filter can also be applied to connections and occurrences as well.