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Created by Frank Wilde
Created on Jun 22, 2022

Fix the problem of handling “undefined” attribute status in ARIS Cloud Connect environment, e.g. boolean attributes

The handing of object information with attribute state “undefined” causes problems in the Connect environment e.g. select, filter and therefore display content in the web.
Due to that fact unnecessary effort has to be applied to solve that topic individually, e.g. schedule reports, manual actions, …

-> Please implement methods to handle this information of “undefined” attributes


Attributes can have various states, if they are not maintained or touched the are usually “undefined”.

Boolean attributes have the status: true, false and UNDEFINED

  • Stephan Schwandner
    Jul 22, 2022

    The usage of the boolean attributes require several activities (reports, scheduled reports, workflow adjustments) to set the state from undefined to true or false and therewith use them. The idea to use the boolean attributes also in the state "undefined" is a great idea which I perosnally fully support.

  • Cecilia Lauer
    Jul 21, 2022

    Thank you for logging this idea!

    Could you please elaborate on the problem and for which type of user this causes challenges. What does the user want to do next, once they know the status is undefined?