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Workspace Dashboarding
Created by Pontus Gagge
Created on Mar 15, 2024

Treemap visualization in ARIS Aware Dashboards

The existing dashboard visualizations are geared towards flat, linear representations of data. However, at least two aspects in ARIS modelling would benefit from a more hierarchical representation: the hierarchical group (folder) structure into which content is organized, and the model content hierarchies (or, generally, directed acyclic graphs) structured by assignments between e.g. process diagrams of various levels; service or capability diagram breakdowns; and (in our way of working) the hierarchies of information Clusters by which we structure and track governance of entity-relationship diagrams and their Entity Types.

For managing our model landscapes, we're interested in visualizing e.g. model quality measures such as most recent changes and approval status at hierarchical levels. Questions that are relevant to content quality management and resource planning for our modelling centres of excellence include "Where do we have the most content?" and "Where do we have the most and least changes?" in terms of group structure as well as model hierarchies.

Microsoft PowerBI has popularized the treemap visualization, which presents a certain number of levels of data as nested rectangles, grouped by colour (and, in some variants, edge grouping). By tailoring data feeds, optionally allowing the end user to drill down branch-by-branch, this would allow the treemap to be used as a filter towards other measures, and thereby enable a powerful cockpit view of our modelling landscapes within different branches of our organization. The group structure itself with its contained models would not make a poor out of the box data feed, where we could join it against our own custom data feeds with the attributes that are relevant to our organization.