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Created by Christina Reinshagen
Created on Oct 14, 2022

Mini Workflow - "Request Approval" should include subordinated FADs

Most of the customers (especially with new feature of satellite modeling) use FADs for maintaining additional information for their EPC or BPMN processes. Modelers don`t understand, that they have to release the FADs separately while using the Mini-Workflow "Request approval". There should be an option to include the related FADs in the standard approval WF.

  • Philip Ueno
    May 27, 2024

    Get just one click to approval! I like the idea.

  • Milan Slivka
    May 17, 2023

    Yes this is a big problem and showstopper for us. We would like to use the Approval mini workflow but when we add something to a FAD via satellite modelling or directly and ask for model approval of the main process flow the workflow does not include the FAD.