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Created by Mandy Donald
Created on Aug 7, 2024

Overwrite of master with variant model

We love that you can create a variant model to enable multiple future state (target) models to be produced, sometimes as variants of the 'as is' current state. But, it would save a lot of time if we could then simply say to overwrite the master model with the variant and thus create a new version. The benefit is that versions would be preserved for the same process as it evolves, utilising existing version management, without having to manually overwrite. The only other way currently to use both master is variant in this scenario is to have to archive the master, publish the variant, but then we don't have version history to see. It's like half the solution is there, we just need the other half! Lots of people asked about this at the recent webinar abut version and variant management.

  • Mandy Donald
    Aug 8, 2024

    Realised this is the same as ARISD-I-288, I think?

  • Mandy Donald
    Aug 7, 2024

    we have implemented a complex report which overwrites master models with a variant, discards the variant and brings across specific attributes and variant model version history into the version history of the master. Plus much more. Happy to collaborate on this one to share best practice.