It is sometimes time consuming to systematically translate object names and descriptions into multiple languages, often NL/FR/EN. And I can imagine that for some public administration, the number of languages is even higher.
But it get worse when a process is updated and an object name and description are updated. If one forgets to update all languages, we result with a process different according to the reader's language.
AI enhanced translation is now advanced enough to be reliable to automate that task.
I would like to suggest an option in the conventions administration where, for the text fields, we could add an option for automated translation and pick the languages we wish to have. Originally I am proposing this idea to support processes and customer journeys, but it can be applied to any objects.
For me personally, translation from the Aris default language to other languages is sufficient (which might be a first step). As a consequence, updates of text fields in other languages might have to be locked to keep mastership of information in the default language field.
But I can imagine that for some users, the update of text fields could be done in any language and then it must reflected automatically to all other languages (maybe as a second step). This second approach more complex in term of concurrent updates.