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PINNED Spreadsheets - generate dashboard link
I really like the webbased spreadsheets in ARIS 10 SR24. Please also enable the generate dashboard link option via web similar to the option in ARIS Architect
PINNED AI/ML features integration
like clustering, outliers detection, key influencers, predictive results with classification algorithms this would support Root-Cause-Analysis

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Showing 1577 of 1577

LDAP batch – delete disabled users from the main user list

Whenever a user has been disabled in our Identity Management System, the LDAP batch correctly deletes the username from arisViewer group. However, the batch doesn’t delete it from the main user list (tab: user management > users). The behaviour...
Carlotta Vittoria Berton almost 3 years ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Variant management - information of variant owner

When a new variant is created, the whole (master) model is basis for the new variant copy, including all attributes. So for the master model there is a person responsible maintained which will initially be the person responsible for the variant. I...
Veronika Prueher-Pilsl almost 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Please add the scrollbar back in the Dashboard in case a text field is too large

No description provided
Arnout Westra almost 3 years ago in Dashboarding 3 Open for voting

Add occurrence property to general object in SSC

Make it possible in Self Service Configuration to add the property 'used in' to general object fact sheets.
Olaf Geyer almost 3 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting

Show Multiple Responsible Persons in RACI if activity is used more than once in Process

Currently Multiple responsible Persons are shown in RACI ony when multiple R's are assigned to one activity However, if I use the same activity in various role lanes, these Responsible persons do not show in RACI model
Hanneke Loefs over 1 year ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Double click should open factsheets for models and objects contained in spreadsheets

Spreadsheet tables can be opened in ARIS Connect. When these spreadsheets contain objects or models, those can be clicked on and the associated attributes are shown correctly - see attachment. However, it also should be possible to open the associ...
Jörg Neves Bliesener almost 3 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting

Silent installation of ARIS Server with jdbc JRE11

When custoemr configure the ile "", there is no information and no check that the jdbc driver may be only for JRE8 and not JRE11. The consequence of that is that the setup finiss but DASHBOARDING can not start. And there is no cle...
Lubomir Havlicek almost 3 years ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Attributes - Option to change from Editable to not Editable and vice versa

Make this option available for custom attributes so they can be changed after they are created and used. Similarry option to change from Language dependable to non-dependable with option to choose the master language and all other values are lost.
Milan Slivka over 1 year ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Provide Aris connect Viewers the "Models" option at the Search Bar (Make it for viewers)

It is easy for Connect designers to search (from the search Bar) in which Model an Object is used and from the search result go directly to the Model. On the other hand, ARIS connect viewers are not able to make the same search and see in which mo...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 1 Open for voting

Change Symbol Value Added Chain

If I Change a Symbol from a Value added Chain Object (from standard to i.e. out of Scope) then I would expect that this change will also occur in every other model where this VACD object is used. Similar to BPMN activies. It does not make sense th...
Hanneke Loefs over 1 year ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting