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Showing 1577

Synchronization to deactivate risks in ARCM

To deactivate content in standard, the synchronization of the whole database is necessary. Deactivation of a risk (e.g.) should be possible by using a seperate attribute of this object. Db wide sync should be avoided as many other parts could be a...
Benjamin Heim 10 months ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

Context based issue types

We would like to use issues for different topics. Therefor it is necessary to define the attributes as well as the permissions based on the context in which the issue is opened. A issue opened from a risk has a different content set as an issue re...
Benjamin Heim 10 months ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

Related models on model level

In ARIS Connect I would like to see at model level which other models are related to the model I'm looking at. When I open the details/properties-tab in Connect and click on 'More > Related models' I have to select an object first to see the mo...
Janno Jekel almost 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

RACI Factsheet improvement - Adding S connection

Currently is not possible to change the factsheet to add a new type of connection without extensive XML modification. For example, adding the S - Support and so having a RASCI Matrix is not possible. We propose that it is possible to edit the fact...
David Izquierdo 5 months ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting

apply template based on database or user/user group

At the moment it is possible to define a template for all users and all databases in Administration, which is good. But there are customers that have multiple databases and multiple templates. Applying one template for all databases and users in t...
Veronika Prueher-Pilsl almost 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Display the Group description on the Group page in Aris Connect

Like all objects in Aris, a Group has a description attributer that can be updated. Unfortunately, in the common User Interface of Aris, both Connect or Architect, that description is of no use. Sometimes, it would be great to help users to find t...
Patrick Evrard 3 months ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting

Queries - Item condition - add option to choose OR or AND

When for example trying to filter on multiple conditions for one item they are evaluated as AND. There should be an option to be able to select if you want to choose AND or OR operator for condition values. For example: You want to filter objects ...
Milan Slivka over 1 year ago in Content Analysis & Reporting 1 Open for voting

Incorporate a default measure to calculate the dwell between any two activities

Currently, there is no built-in/default measure that allows the user to create a dashboard to present the average dwell between any two activities in the process dataset. This is a very powerful use case, with numerous benefits in terms of being a...
Paul Fenton about 1 year ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Risk aggregation by using an external engine.

The aggregation of risks - especially risks with different distribution functions - across several process levels can generally only be carried out using methods such as the Monte Carlo method. The methodology can be mapped using third-party tools.
Volker Mohr 3 months ago in Simulation 0 Open for voting

Simulation risks with pert and poison distribution

Risk managers require a Poison and a Pert distribution for risks in order to determine “unlikely” risks and risk diversification in particular.
Volker Mohr 3 months ago in Simulation 0 Open for voting