At Rabobank we're interested in obtaining the raw date from the elasticsearch runnable. The statistics are stored in the elasticsearch runnable
and currently there is no way to export the raw data into a text file or
something similar.
When navigating through Models & Objects in the repository, we would like to be able to sort on the name, model type or changed date by clicking on the column header, similar as is already implemented in the Dashboards & Datafeeds repository.
It would be helpful if object names would allow for a "responsive" line break. So, if I shorten a a cell, it should automatically become wider (and the other way round). Some object names are rather big. In the matrix model they use lots of space ...
Allow customer-specific tool tips/mouse over functionality
My colleagues said that it would be a great help for them, if ARIS would allow customizable tool tips / mouse-over help. This functionality should be customizable in two ways:1. the enduser should be able to turn the fucntionality on and off2. the...
Our customer wants to sort countries according to their importance.So the customer wants to sort the chart with 'sort criteria' data, not country names. I recommended giving a number before the country name, but the customer said no. I think it is...
Dae il Gil
almost 3 years ago
in Dashboarding
Open for voting
Highlighting available for 'product' object in FAD
we need to be able to highlight product variations in a BPMN process diagram via the use of product object in Function allocation diagrams. The ask is twofold:- Highlighting of tasks on BPMN process diagram derived by content on assigned FAD- The ...