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How can we make ARIS better?

My ideas: Integration, Connectors & API

Showing 68

Rest API: create connection between objects

Please add a method for creating/deleting connection between two objects.
Michael Schmitt over 1 year ago in Integration, Connectors & API 0 Open for voting

REST API: Create model

Please add a method for creating models.
Michael Schmitt over 1 year ago in Integration, Connectors & API 0 Open for voting

Report API connected documents of an object or model

At the moment its only possible to get the linked models or objects from an ADS document via report API: Report class ADSRepository - Method getStakeHolder getStakeHolder ( ADSDocument adsDocument ) we also need this information vice versa: which ...
Michael Schmitt almost 2 years ago in Integration, Connectors & API 0 Open for voting

Method for delivering the GUIDS of versioned models in a change list

Currently, only the names of the versioned models are provided in a change list via the report API. Since we have up to 35 country variants with the same name, the specific versioned model cannot be determined. Therefore, it is necessary for us to...
Hubert Warsitz almost 2 years ago in Integration, Connectors & API 0 Open for voting

Add last modification date to the ADSDocumentMetaInfo method of ARIS report API

See outcome ticket SI-485762 Unable to get the last modification date of a document uploaded in ADS via API
Hedwig Van Muylder almost 2 years ago in Integration, Connectors & API 0 Open for voting

ARIS Test Designer (SAP SolMan) - subordinated elements handling

Dear colleagues,while selecting the test model first time in the test scenario we are asked if existing content should be deleted (message attached). If we select the option Yes, all existing test variants will be removed from the scenario.We need...
Daniel Mašek about 2 years ago in Integration, Connectors & API 0 Open for voting

ARIS API-Export model/object update information

There should be an ARIS API functionality as well as a general ability of the reports to export the update information of models and objects. This information is shown to be present in the administration charts, and should be accessible elsewhere
Timeon Oyeyemi about 2 years ago in Integration, Connectors & API 0 Open for voting

Dashboard embedment for SharePoint

Currently we can only embed process models from ARIS Connect to SharePoint. We would like to see that we extend the functionality for Dashboards as well.
Marton Muranyi over 2 years ago in Integration, Connectors & API 0 Open for voting

Bulk import of data

ARIS is really lacking in a capability to import bulk data. There are reports available to mass import data, but they are very technical and the generated report does not autmoatically fill out all the filter information. It takes so much time to ...
Bas Pronk over 2 years ago in Integration, Connectors & API 0 Open for voting

Integration ARIS - SAP Solution Manager add new model links

Currently it is only possible to integrate a few models from ARIS to SAP solution manager (SSM). During the integration a model can be created in SSM and a link is created to ARIS connect. BUt as mentioned it is not possible for all models. I woul...
Sander Hijmensen over 2 years ago in Integration, Connectors & API 0 Open for voting