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How can we make ARIS better?

Pinned ideas

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PINNED Make all ADS document versions visible, more than one deletable at once
Currently, only the last 100 versions of a document are displayed in the ADS. We sometimes have more than 1000 versions of protocol documents. We would therefore like to be able to display all versions, 100 units are sufficient for each page. We w...
PINNED AI/ML features integration
like clustering, outliers detection, key influencers, predictive results with classification algorithms this would support Root-Cause-Analysis

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Showing 1577 of 1577

day and page information only in English format in Collaboration

In Collaboration all the day and page information is in English format even with German interface language. E.g. with German interface language you can find that a comment was created on "Wed um 12.38", which is a mix. And you can find with German...
Veronika Prueher-Pilsl almost 3 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting

Print functionality in Connect

Printing in Connect works according to running a report. So after printing is finished the created pdf is available in notifications of reports and in Reports tab. It is hard to understand for users that "printed" documents as pdf can be found in ...
Veronika Prueher-Pilsl almost 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Display options for model grafik in SSC

In SSC there are several options to for displaying component diagram: fit to window, fit to width, fit to height or a defined size. It would be good if there was the possibility to use print scale or size of appearance of a model, too.
Veronika Prueher-Pilsl almost 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

APM Management extension for ingestion API

Description: Scheduling and triggering the execution of an externally implemented data extraction should be defined in APM much like with the built-in connectors Solution: Provide scheduling and last export information persistence for API connecti...
Monika Leitner over 1 year ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

ADS - enhance report API to get more document properties

Currently there is a way how to access properties of document from ADS by report API, using the ADS component. However, the information provided by the API does not cover all properties visible in ADS frontend, e.g. Created on, Created by etc.. It...
Pavel Hanacek almost 3 years ago in Content Analysis & Reporting 0 Open for voting

Introduce a 'Select case' item in data feed

As a dashboard designer I'd like to be able to handle multiple cases in a single control so that my data feed becomes simpler and more efficient. CASE WHEN condition1 THEN result1 WHEN condition2 THEN result2 WHEN conditionN THEN resultN ELSE result
Jesper Loell almost 3 years ago in Dashboarding 1 Open for voting

Additional functionality/usability for chart legends

In one of our current dashboarding solutions we appointed several pie charts as key elements to provide users with filtering options for other elements. While selecting and de-selecting pie chart allows for easy filtering in most cases, we noted t...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Unterscheidung zwischen Anzeigename und Bezeichnung von Elementen

Obwohl es bei einigen Elementen schon erfolgreich umgesetzt ist (z.B Checkboxen), gibt es noch einige Felder keine Unterscheidung zwischen Anzeigenamen und dem Namen im Datenfluss. Aktuell blenden wir dann den Titel aus und fügen eine Beschriftung...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Möglichkeiten der Mehrsprachigkeit ausbauen | Multi-language abilities in APG

Auch wenn im Dialog Editor bereits das Einpflegen mehrerer Sprachen möglich ist, so ist die Mehrsprachigkeit immer noch eine große Hürde. Zum Dialog Editor selber wurde bereits ein Ticket erstellt (
Guest almost 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Attribute ExternalID on occurrence

When we create object, models and occurrences based on the data of external systems, we miss a possibility to set a free text identification also on Object or Connection Occurrence. Therefore we are not able to identify afterwards, if the occurren...
Pavel Hanacek almost 3 years ago in Integration, Connectors & API 0 Open for voting