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Pinned ideas

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PINNED Multiselection attributes
It would be good, if there was an attribute where multiple values could be selected, instead of creating multiple value/bool attributes. And therefore maintaining only one attribute instead of many.
PINNED Spreadsheets - generate dashboard link
I really like the webbased spreadsheets in ARIS 10 SR24. Please also enable the generate dashboard link option via web similar to the option in ARIS Architect

Modeling & Contribution

Showing 492

Show group path when hovering over object & sort by group in contribute mode

Hello, our customer has expressed the dissatisfaction that its not possible to see the group path of an indivdual object when selecting it from the contribution dialog. I have attached an example Image where it shows a rough draft of the Idea. Fur...
Jan-Niklas Fehse 10 months ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

A new type of attribut for connecting objects and models

ARIS currently offers two options for relating models to objects. These are the assignment of a model to an object and the occurence of an object in a model. The assignment is usually used to further detail the object. The occurence is the use of ...
Hubert Warsitz over 1 year ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Clean up and analysis tools for method and conventions management

As an administrator I want to clean up old customized model types, symbols and attributes. It is difficult to determine the impact of deleting a customized item. We have a lot of customized items which are never cleaned up, because people are afra...
Theo Padding over 2 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 1 Open for voting

Support for Case Management Model & Notation

CMMN is an OMG standard which goes hand in hand with BPMN and DMN both of which ARIS currently supports. Case Management Modernization initiatives are growing in number across the US Federal Government. The use of CMMN within ARIS to graphically r...
Aaron Mazzatenta about 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Prevent Modeler from creating new library objects

Library objects, like applications, roles, capabilities etc. should only be reused by Process Modelers. In a structured database they are always stored in special groups with only restricted write access. At the moment every modeler can neverthele...
Christina Reinshagen over 2 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 4 Open for voting

Add Connected Models view in ARIS Connect Designer / Viewer

For a model, the connected models can be viewed in ARIS Architect under Properties - Connected Models, but there is no corresponding feature in ARIS Connect Designer / Viewer
Sathyan Pillai 9 months ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Compare models side by side as a viewer

On Aris Connect as a viewer I would like to be able to run comparison side by side between models, not only marked on the screens as currently we do have, this comparison must be extensive to versions and variants
Gabriella Faieta almost 2 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Planned

Make model properties 'Connected model' available in ARIS Connect

In ARIS Architect/Designer when you click in the model properties you can see a property called 'Connected model'. This shows a list of all models where the selected model has been assigned to an object occurrence. This functionality should be ava...
Carmen Jacobs about 2 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 1 Open for voting

Showing universal attributes when adding object to model

Current situation Current situation when adding existing object to model.Only Path is visible. See also attachment. Only after adding the object, you will see the CI-number and you are able to view other attributes.When you have picked the wrong C...
Martin de Boer 8 months ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

apply template based on database or user/user group

At the moment it is possible to define a template for all users and all databases in Administration, which is good. But there are customers that have multiple databases and multiple templates. Applying one template for all databases and users in t...
Veronika Prueher-Pilsl almost 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 1 Open for voting