As a user I want to change the language of the UI, currently it seems the system using the browser language as default. If I use a englisch browser UI but a native german speaker I would like to see the UI in german because it is more common for me.
Jens Heylmann
over 4 years ago
in Process Mining
Feature Description In the case of an analysis with 1 measure and 2 dimensions the column chart should be able to visualize the different values as ‘stacks’ or group them together Similar functionality exist in ARIS AWARE Reason Standard grouping ...
Roland van de Ruit
over 4 years ago
in Process Mining
to upload new events, a table must be defined before selecting the data file. If this is not done, the upload dialog is shown anyway. There should be a hint, that a table must be selected first
Andreas Geis
over 4 years ago
in Process Mining
Feature: timestamps formatting: e.g. weekday, name of the month, calendar week
For more advanced analyses, we would like to have an option to choose different formatting (or truncation) styles in the front-end to apply in the analyses components. Example:Instead of a timestamp '27.05.2022 14:01:25' that currently can be aggr...
It is crucial to enable changing of the format & scale on the measures on the diagrams? Also, fixing/setting a default type (always the same, e.g. hours, not days/hours/ms) Current random setup is extremely confusing for the end user.
As there is no way to 'save' a transformation, erorrs might occur. After changing a table in the tranformation, it keeps on coming back to the previous state, hence causing errors