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How can we make ARIS better?
Status Open for voting
Created by Milan Slivka
Created on Jun 15, 2023
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit ARISSE-I-48 New search in SR22.

New Search in SR22 - Seach in active DB by default Merged

The new search should be set by default to active process repository that user is in, and if desired the user can change to search all repositories that the user has access to.

  • Product Manager
    Cecilia Lauer
    Jun 21, 2023

    Thank you Milan for the clarification and rest assured we will consider your comments. I will reach out to you via other channels to discuss in person.

  • Milan Slivka
    Jun 20, 2023
    Hi Cecilia, that is a bad assumption. If you have for instance UMG database published and your working database it will search through both repositories. You may have Dev, Review and Prod DB and some users will need access to all of those to review the content so each search will return multiple results of the same item across all repositories.
  • Product Manager
    Cecilia Lauer
    Jun 20, 2023

    The most typical case is to have only one repository active for the user searching, and in this case of course you search into that one repository. Only if several repositories are published/ active "all sources" are searched and can be used as filter criteria.