Transfer models from the Process Overlay to the ARIS Repository
We provide an easy way to transfer (create) process models from the Process Explorer to the ARIS Repository. The idea is, to provide a similar option within the Process Overlay by selecting appropriate variants from the variant panel and storing t...
Hello, Currently its possible to create an ETL automation where based on a given schedule the defined 'Extractions' are extracted. This works great but in a global scenario where potentially multiple instances of the same source system are in scop...
Roland van de Ruit
6 months ago
in Process Mining
Open for voting
Connect visibility of source tables to transformation tab
Hi, See attached image. Would be nice to couple the 'visibility' toggle in the 'source tables' tab to the 'transformations tab'. A lot of my source tables are intermediate tables I needed for filtering/scoping my extraction and would not be used d...
Jori Mulders
7 months ago
in Process Mining
Open for voting
User interface - Resizing columns / interface elements
Hi, See attached images. Text in columns (transformation environment) is cut off when too long. I have to 'hoover' over it with my mouse to identify its name, which is annoying. Cheers, Jori
Jori Mulders
7 months ago
in Process Mining
Open for voting
Consolidate ARIS Process Language + Fix and expand help documentation
Hi, As a first time user of ARIS process mining and having written my last SQL 10 years ago, I find the process language and its documentation unnecessarily confusing. Almost every place in the tool seems to have its own 'process language' variant...
Jori Mulders
7 months ago
in Process Mining
Open for voting
Connection Duration Histogram Preview in Process Explorer
Objective: To enhance the process explorer in the process mining tool by providing a preview of the connection duration distribution when a user clicks on the connection between two activities. This feature aims to give better visibility into the ...
Tim Knechtel
7 months ago
in Process Mining
Open for voting
There should be a way to see the formula and better yet edit the formula in the analysis
Currently, it's possible to define an additional description for a rule (see attached screenshot1), and this description can be shown as tooltip in the compliance app of an analysis (tab rule checks -> individual rule compliance issues). Howeve...
Mohua Bill Xiong
8 months ago
in Process Mining
Open for voting
ARIS should allow compliance rule checks through either visual or script editor. There is no compelling reason to have compliance rules in visual editor only.
Mohua Bill Xiong
8 months ago
in Process Mining
Open for voting
Enhance the model transfer behaviour in APM conformance/compliance checking
Current behaviour is that even if the filter does not support a particular BPMN type selected, the user will still be able to export it from APM. But when navigating to the database group it got exported to, the model is not shown because of the s...
Mohua Bill Xiong
8 months ago
in Process Mining
Open for voting