Free configuration of the storage location in ADS for content generated by APG-WF
Currently, there is only one dedicated folder in the ADS, "aris-service enabling", in which results from APG workflows can be stored in the ADS. (SI-506277) It should be possible to define the storage location (any level) in the ADS separately for...
Secret Management for ARIS Scripting. Save passwords for scripts and third party applications that use aris script in a secret management like Openshift or Jenkins.
API method for the correct comparison of timestamp attributes
Currently, there is no method in the report API with which it is possible to automatically compare the content of two time stamp attributes. The indicated time stamp attributes can be easily compared with the eye, but not automatically. This is du...
Please add a documentation for Dashboard-Widgets including examples how to use
Please add a documentation for Dashboard-Widgets including examples how to use The documentation should include: Description of the Widget Example-Screenshot How to add the Widget to a Dashboard? Example for the data assignment (including screensh...
Ability to filter by multiple values for the same attribute in ARIS Catalog
I would like to request the implementation of a feature that allows users to filter by multiple values for the same attribute within the ARIS Catalog. This functionality would significantly improve the flexibility and efficiency of data filtering,...
enable vertical responsiveness for ARIS Aware dahboard
A new technology has been introduced to create new dashboards and view them. This new technology is promoted as being having a more responsive layout. Horizontally this works, however it's not possible to allow widgets to expand vertically to full...
Nemanja Djukic
almost 2 years ago
in Dashboarding
Open for voting
After the search results are displayed, we should be able to display results with default filter parameter, e.g. process, control, activity, value-added chain, role, etc.
Within ARIS Process mining you can build many detailed and rich analysis. These analysis are build in Apps and users can then view and use them. However the number of analysis is never enough because there are always additional questions (e.g. wha...
Roland van de Ruit
6 months ago
in Process Mining
Open for voting
We have the problem that for some LDAP servers that are connected to ARIS via LDAPS, the certificates of the LDAP servers are exchanged at irregular intervals, which means that the connection in ARIS is no longer permitted. For this reason, we nee...
Showing universal attributes when adding object to model
Current situation Current situation when adding existing object to model.Only Path is visible. See also attachment. Only after adding the object, you will see the CI-number and you are able to view other attributes.When you have picked the wrong C...