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How can we make ARIS better?

Pinned ideas

PINNED AI/ML features integration
like clustering, outliers detection, key influencers, predictive results with classification algorithms this would support Root-Cause-Analysis

Process Mining

Showing 199

Process Flow animation

Show some kind of a graphical effect for the execution/run of cases in a time lapse manner. Speed should be adjustable. Start/End date should be adjustable. Some kind of Play/Pause/Stop should be available to trace shown behaviours. Maybe timestam...
Jens Nitzschke over 3 years ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Switch to dark mode

Known from different websites and apps, we should be able to switch the interface to dark mode. This increases user comfort as it reduces eye strain and glare, especially in low-light or nighttime conditions. It also can make text and content more...
Jens Nitzschke about 1 year ago in Process Mining 1 Open for voting

Repeat and loop metrics

Currently there appear to be no pre-built measures available in the Process Mining apps that allow the user to quantify the distribution or contribution of repeated activities, whether immediately repeated (looped) or repeated at any other stage i...
Paul Fenton about 1 year ago in Process Mining 1 Planned

Additional variant classification options

Feature Description Provide additional variant classifications besides the “Unique” classification that currently is used. To summarize: 1)Variant class 1 (Existence + Frequency + Sequence) (current method) 2)Variant class 2 (Existence + Frequency...
Roland van de Ruit over 4 years ago in Process Mining 1 Open for voting

Show statistical values in distribution chart

Feature Description Add the option to add statistical values to the distribution chart like Average, Median, Percentiles and Standard Deviation Reason For process analyst the distribution chart is a powerful tool to analyze performance of a metric...
Roland van de Ruit over 4 years ago in Process Mining 1 Open for voting

New App: Variant Analysis

This is another idea on how we can make sense of large amounts of variants (see also ARISPMIYU-I-20): a standard App available for Variant Analysis. Assume we have a date set with 1000 different variants. All these variants differ from each other ...
Roland van de Ruit almost 4 years ago in Process Mining 2 Open for voting

User audit logs

As an admin, I'd like to evaluate the users log ins/outs What user logged in / out when ? This becomes important, if there is a security incident on the customer side.
Guest about 4 years ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Add Eventlog to Process explorer or other (table) widgets

While analyzing different parts of one process (or subprocesses) - I would like additional to the existing possiblity of assigning certain event logs to certain overlays - also the possbility to create new analysis via the appbuilder. Adding diffe...
Monika Leitner 8 months ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Transport/Migrate content from Dev to Prod

Typical scenario in any project is that content is first developed/tested in a dev project and then packaged and moved to the prod/live project in an automatic way to reduce additional failure points (e.g. human copying error). Feature request is ...
Roland van de Ruit 10 months ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Pull up operations to other table fields

ARIS pull up is possible for cases and activities, where as the need is to pull up (with nested logics) function to work with other table fields to create calculated fields. E.g., AVG(CASE WHEN PU_COUNT_DISTINCT('_CEL_P2P_ORDERS', LEN('supplier_sh...
Guest over 2 years ago in Process Mining 0 Planned