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Pinned ideas

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PINNED Make all ADS document versions visible, more than one deletable at once
Currently, only the last 100 versions of a document are displayed in the ADS. We sometimes have more than 1000 versions of protocol documents. We would therefore like to be able to display all versions, 100 units are sufficient for each page. We w...
PINNED Spreadsheets - generate dashboard link
I really like the webbased spreadsheets in ARIS 10 SR24. Please also enable the generate dashboard link option via web similar to the option in ARIS Architect

Modeling & Contribution

Showing 505

Automated Correction of Modelling Errors

We have written some custom, scheduled reports to check models for errors on a daily basis and then automatically correct simple errors (such as double spaces, wrong template used, non-default size objects, missing model prefixes on names, etc). I...
Cameron Bradbury 11 months ago in Modeling & Contribution 4 Open for voting

Button for quick access of Attribute placements

When attribute placements need to be done or changed, it takes several clicks to be able to access attribute placement functionality. It would be good if there was a button for direct access of attribute placements in a ribbon for easier and quick...
Veronika Prueher-Pilsl about 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

A new type of attribut for connecting objects and models

ARIS currently offers two options for relating models to objects. These are the assignment of a model to an object and the occurence of an object in a model. The assignment is usually used to further detail the object. The occurence is the use of ...
Hubert Warsitz over 1 year ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

How to use fragment or smartDesign in ARIS connect

Hi Team, ARIS Architect has fragment or smartDesign option available which is very useful . How to get same fragment option or smartDesign option ,we researched and found no option to create or apply fragments in ARIS connect . Please let us know ...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Allow BPMN2 subprocess object 'expand' and 'collapse' from Portal view of model

In BPMN2 notation the 'expand' and 'collapse' functionality of subprocess objects is only available when editing the repository version of the model. It would be extremely useful to be able to access that functionality from the published Portal vi...
Chris Ballingall almost 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 4 Open for voting

Connect designer and print scale

Why the Connect designer is not able to set the print scale which is a property of the model itself? Our ConnectDesigners havethe task to set the correct print scale for the model visualization and printing by the viewer. Could you please add this...
Guest about 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Allow to configure relative position of objects in Layout and Smart Design functionality

When modeling EPC I can use Layout and Smart Design functionality to automatically layout of non structure relevant objects around function. It is save my time and so on... Both, Layout and Smart Design functionality have similar predefined rules ...
Guest about 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 1 Open for voting

Freeze header also for E-BPMN

It would be nice to be able to freeze the headers (swimlane roles) for Enterprise BPMN models in the same fashion as for EPC row, etc.
Jesper Loell about 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Already exists

Applying "change view" in a BPMN model should NOT restructure the design

On the ARIS Connect portal, it is possible to present objects in a BPMN model (right below the process step) that are designed in a Function Allocation Diagram that is assigned to that process step. This function is named "change view" and is avai...
Joost Vandewiele 9 months ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Use GenAI to automatically create models

It would be great to have ARIS use GenAI to create process models based on existing imported documents or collateral. We have used generative AI (Copilot) to read process material (e.g. a meeting transcript of a process walkthrough workshop or exi...
Cameron Bradbury 11 months ago in Modeling & Contribution 1 Planned