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Pinned ideas

PINNED Use right-click -> open in new tab/window in ARIS Connect portal
Hello, This request is about being able to choose "open in new tab" / "open in new window" when doing a right click on a navigation link within the portal (in factsheet, catalog, search result,...) For example, from the overview page of a model, w...

Publication & Collaboration

Showing 344

Display the Group description on the Group page in Aris Connect

Like all objects in Aris, a Group has a description attributer that can be updated. Unfortunately, in the common User Interface of Aris, both Connect or Architect, that description is of no use. Sometimes, it would be great to help users to find t...
Patrick Evrard 2 months ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting

Show in mini-factsheet distinction between input and output

I have noticed with one of my customers who is on ARIS Enterprise Public Cloud, but this idea is for all environments, that in the mini-factsheets you don't see a distinction between input and output documents when added via satellite modelling. S...
Sylvia Groenbos 2 months ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting

Extended highlighting of related objects

As a user I'd like to be able to see where in a process that risks, controls, documents, etc. are assigned to an activity. Moreover, filtering of the objects based on attributes would make it easy to for instance see only financial risks, or GDPR ...
Jesper Loell almost 3 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting

Tab "Last changes"

As far as I know the tab "Last changes" in Home of Connect cannot be changed. A customer would like to change Last changes (remove groups but add attributes like Version).
Veronika Prueher-Pilsl almost 3 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting

Make ARIS Connect glossary able to scroll horizontally

Some users have smaller screens and when you are trying to display many properties in the glossary you need more space than you get on a small screen, so being able to make the catalog scroll horizontally could give us the space required to displa...
Bennet Moeller over 1 year ago in Publication & Collaboration 1 Open for voting

RACI Factsheet improvement - Adding S connection

Currently is not possible to change the factsheet to add a new type of connection without extensive XML modification. For example, adding the S - Support and so having a RASCI Matrix is not possible. We propose that it is possible to edit the fact...
David Izquierdo 5 months ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting

Ability to filter by multiple values for the same attribute in ARIS Catalog

I would like to request the implementation of a feature that allows users to filter by multiple values for the same attribute within the ARIS Catalog. This functionality would significantly improve the flexibility and efficiency of data filtering,...
Jan-Niklas Fehse 3 months ago in Publication & Collaboration 1 Open for voting

Default filter parameter for search results

After the search results are displayed, we should be able to display results with default filter parameter, e.g. process, control, activity, value-added chain, role, etc.
Dipesh Dedhia 3 months ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting

Minifactsheet for start models on the landing page

Currently minifactsheets are not shown in the entry-level model on the landing page. The idea is to be able to show them.
Mercedes Millán de la Lastra 5 months ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting

Unique Home Page per database

The diagram on the home page can be changed for a specific database, it should therefore be possible to change the Component layout / content for each database. For example, one database may require additional / different "Quick Links" (such as a ...
Daryl Spires almost 3 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting