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How can we make ARIS better?

Risk & Compliance

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Option „Anonymisierungs-Automatik“

Optional können pro Objekttyp nach Ablauf einer zeitliche Grenzen die personenbezogenen Daten aus allen Versionen eines Objektes automatisch gelöscht werden. (Maximal-Auskunftsfrist) Beispiel: für alle Kontroll-Tests werden nach Ablauf von 10 Jahr...
Andreas Geis almost 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

Mindest-Verfügbarkeit für personenbezogene Daten nach Objekttypen

Pro Objekttyp (z.B. Kontroll-Test) können zeitliche Grenzen erfasst werden, vor deren Ablauf personenbezogenen Daten (handelnde User) nicht gelöscht werden können (Mindest-Auskunftsfrist). Beispiel: für Kontroll-Tests können vor Ablauf von 3 Jahre...
Andreas Geis almost 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

GDPR requires all systems to be able to delete record when requested to do so by the customer

It is required by law (GDPR) that when a customer wants their data to be deleted from a system it should be possible to do so (deletion by design). Currently this is not possible in ARCM. We, as xxx, want this functionality to be implemented.
Sylvia Groenbos over 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 4 Planned

Questionnaire Reviewer timer: maximum of 90 days between creation questionnaire and acceptance moment by reviewer

Our Compliancy department requires the period that it takes from initiating a DPIA (a questionnaire in ARCM) until the moment the DPO accepts the identified risks to be a maximum of 90 days. Can ARCM be adjusted so that with every questionnaire th...
Sylvia Groenbos over 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 2 Open for voting

Show all details for non risk management relevant risks

We currently have Risks that are not relevant for assessment, but we still want to have them in ARCM with all their details. The problem is that when the risk-management relevant attribute is deactivated, some of the detail information is removed ...
Guest over 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 1 Open for voting

Arabic Language - UI should switch to Right to Left

We are in Middle East and are using ARCM - Survey management and Issue Management. Our customers are demanding that when we switch to Arabic the UI in ARCM should switch to Right to left. (Connect does this OK)
Ralph Thompson over 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

Discrepancy between the doc period on ARCM and the PDF/excel extract

On constate un d�calage entre la p�riode de doc / p�riode document�e qui s�affiche � l��cran dans ARCM (qui est correcte) et ce qui s�affiche dans l�extract pdf et le d�tail de la fiche excel, o� la date de fin de chacune de ces p�riodes est ident...
Guest over 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

statistical table of Control Exection in sign-off process

- Avoir la liste et le tableau statistiques des fiches d��x�cution de contr�les dans les sign-off process (tout comme la liste et le tableau statistique des testcases d�j� pr�sents). Have the list and the statistical table of the control executi...
Guest over 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

Functionallity for avoiding undesired deletes

To prevent users from deleting by mistake folders with diagrams or actives, we are wondering if is possible to activate some functionallity for avoiding undesired deletes in the future. Would it be possible to implement a functionallity similar to...
Guest over 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 1 Open for voting

Ability to disable the “rememberme” logon function in the ARIS architect client

Provide a way for system user admins to disable the “rememberme” logonfunction in the ARIS architect client
Guest over 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting