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Pinned ideas

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PINNED Multiselection attributes
It would be good, if there was an attribute where multiple values could be selected, instead of creating multiple value/bool attributes. And therefore maintaining only one attribute instead of many.
PINNED EMS - Proper management of validity of content
Hi, When implementing a QMS or EMS it's important to have valid content.Therefore customers define validity dates in ARIS and there is now the dashboard which displays this info, but anext requirement is that ARIS actually does something with this...

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Pre-defined date format for csv uploads

When uploading csv-files it is needed to reconfigure the date format for every date column in the file separately. How about adding an option to define the date format at the beginning of the csv upload?
Jens Nitzschke over 2 years ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Urgent - UMC requirement to set up privileges for APM separate to Connect

Logged on behalf of {customer_name} After combining ARIS and APM User Management 'Connect Designers' are able to access APM as Analysts which is unacceptable to customers. Need to be able to restrict users to Viewer/Analyst or Engineer as previous...
Susan Reid over 2 years ago in Process Mining 1 Open for voting

Additional mini-workflow - Validity management

Maybe merge with EMEA60, EMEA57 An EMS is typically extension of QMS (and hence ISO requirements apply), so management of the validity of content should be a basic feature. Functionalities: trigger of review + clear visualisation of 'expired' cont...
Ricardo Passchier over 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Change default settings System view

As the system view by default shows systems in the upper left part of the diagram it does not give a user friendly overview of all systems used in a process. would be great to be able to change the default system view settings
Hanneke Loefs about 1 year ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting

Lane for applications in the swimlane view- Connect Viewer- Change view option

Hi Team, When the user selects 'Swimlane view' in the 'Change view' option on a model published on the Connect Portal, the generated view shows the name for the application lane as 'none'. The lane name should show the application name. Regards, M...
Manish Sharma over 2 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting

Extend report "Output overview of reports, macros, and semantic checks"

This report provides a list of all reports, macros and semantic checks. For reports it would be good to have additional information available, like are there access privileges assigned for the respective report or if that report is available in Co...
Veronika Prueher-Pilsl over 2 years ago in Content Analysis & Reporting 0 Open for voting

Go up in Hierachy: Not (only) folder hierachy but also object assignment Hierarchy

when navigating through the various models, which were connected through assignments, it is confusing that "go up in hierarchy" shows the folder structure and not the object structure. Please allow (an additional) option for navigating via the obj...
Hanneke Loefs about 1 year ago in Publication & Collaboration 1 Open for voting

Extended variant management - Build or maintain the process hierarchy (assignments)

I as a process-responsible person I would like the hierarchy relationships (assignments) to be maintained automatically at the variant level in the case I roll-out variants top-down.
Jens Heylmann over 2 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting

Allow Variant copy of model to use occurrence copies of objects in the variant model

When creating a variant copy in the Java Client, you can choose which objects in the Variant copy should be definition or occurrence copies. This is not possible in the Connect Designer. It assumes all objects should be definition copies. As we ma...
Alex Welsh over 2 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Ignore ADS upload size limits during ADS restore

If an upload limit has been subsequently activated and there are larger documents in the ADS, they cannot be restored and tenant restore terminates.
Michael Schmitt about 1 year ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting