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My ideas: Technical Administration

Showing 147

Posilibility to add extra text to notification/ error message

When setting access rights to different groups of users, user will receive an error message. However the message content is not so clear. It would be beneficial if we can modify or add instruction text here. Therefore, users can understand the rea...
Giang Nghiem 2 months ago in Technical Administration 1 Open for voting

Add descriptions to standard attributes in administration

It would be awesome if the field "description" was maintained for e.g. attributes in the ARIS Architect/Connect administration. Leaving the field empty does not create any value to the customer.
Veronika Ellermann 3 months ago in Technical Administration / Business Process Analysis 0 Open for voting

Allow setting max session duration per License Type

Summary of the Idea Currently the option of configuring in UMC the following global parameters regarding sessions duration. Initial session duration (in minutes Maximum session duration (in minutes) These settings do apply to all kind of ARIS User...
Vassiliki Spentzou 3 months ago in Technical Administration / Business Process Analysis 0 Open for voting

Export of Content Types

When creating and modifying content types, it can be cumbersome to manually align and check every structure for the different models: Title of the different property groups Sequence of content inside each property groups Plus, some structures are ...
Julie Bodart 3 months ago in Technical Administration / Business Process Analysis 0 Open for voting

Content type set - duplicate content type

When configuring the portal, it's sometimes required to split an existing content type which is defined for a combination of model/object types, into content types per model/object type.It would be nice, if we could then just duplicate the existin...
Koen Maes 3 months ago in Technical Administration / Business Process Analysis 0 Open for voting

Synchronization of group structures for multi-database solutions

If you use ARIS with several databases, it would be helpful to have an option to keep the group structures in the different databases synchronized. Starting from a leading database, the groups and their content (if available) are kept synchronized...
Hubert Warsitz 4 months ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Include Traditional Chinese characters besides Simplified

Hello, ARIS has different language options, to choose from. One is Chinese, but it uses simplified characters, as used in the people's republic of China. But not everyone country that uses Mandarin Chinese uses those characters; i.e. Taiwan. Tradi...
David Schmidt 4 months ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Allow symbol edition in ARIS Connect

Symbol edition should be allowed in the Connect environment (ARIS Connect Entreprise), with at least the same features that exist today in ARIS Architect.
Mathieu Syx 4 months ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Display first name and last name in the correct order

Display users' names as first name followed by last name. Alternatively, display the last name followed by a comma, then the first name. In the screenshot attached, the user's name should be displayed as Peter Process or Process, Peter.
Nelson de la Cruz 4 months ago in Technical Administration / Business Process Analysis 0 Open for voting

Administrator should be able to impersonate any user

When testing reports, APG workflows or working in ARIS, an administrator usually has much more extensive rights than a "normal" user. If the system behaves "incorrectly" for the "normal" user, it is difficult for the administrator to reproduce thi...
Hubert Warsitz 4 months ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting