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Risk & Compliance

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Data Migration

As we migrate our risks into ARIS Connect we also would like to a initial migration of the risk assessments. Assessment, assessment date, comment should be contained. Could show the technical user and comment that it's inital data migration.
Benjamin Heim 11 months ago in Risk & Compliance 1 Open for voting

Relevant impact type(s) for a risk

In today's implementation, for any risk the assessment will always show all impact types.Approach at customers is that certain impact types are relevant only for some risks.So,it should be possible to define for a risk (or risk category) which imp...
Koen Maes about 1 year ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

ARCM Reporting

Standard Reports for Stakeholders/Authorities should be available with all attributes (List Risk, Controls, Tests, Audits ... - sorting/deleting/config the report/columnes should be possible by user. Export to Excel as is.
Thomas Berner over 1 year ago in Risk & Compliance 2 Open for voting

Risk Administration

The administration of risk, control and controltask should be more userfriendly like the ARIS satelite modelling. Add new controll opens column to describe the control, add new controltask adds new CT and so on. In background the BCD is createtd (...
Thomas Berner over 1 year ago in Risk & Compliance 1 Open for voting

Request for Enhancement - Comment History in ARCM

Dear R&D Department, We have recently discovered a limitation in the ARCM systems related to comment history. Currently, it is possible for users to override comments written by other people on task notes, and there is no history of the previo...
Rakan Omar over 1 year ago in Risk & Compliance 2 Open for voting

Define one user as "Main responsable user" of an ARCM user group / ARIS role

Within a user group of multiple users in ARCM, the main responsible person should be identifiable. When having multiple tasks of similar name/titel it is necessary to identify, who is the main responsible person for which task and who is his/her r...
Sabine Runge almost 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 2 Open for voting

ARCM procedure to delete schema see empower reference SI-501300

What is the procedure if something goes wrong with the data migration? In the past the separate ARCM SQL database could be deleted and recreated, but now there will be 1 shared MS SQL database for Connect and ARCM. Can the ARCM schema in the share...
Ka Hou Kwok almost 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

Issue Management: Flag Button

Further to the feedback we received from our customer regarding the ARCM system, we have identified another issue related to the flag button. Currently, the flag button only appears when the user hovers over a question. However, our clients have r...
Rakan Omar almost 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

Show all details for non risk management relevant risks

We currently have Risks that are not relevant for assessment, but we still want to have them in ARCM with all their details. The problem is that when the risk-management relevant attribute is deactivated, some of the detail information is removed ...
Guest over 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 1 Open for voting

Risk-Control-Matrix as a standard report in ARCM

Risiko-Kontroll-Matrix The report "Risk-and-Control-Matrix" is a standard requirement for GRC use cases. It is used as a documentation of the business processes with respect to the allocated risks and controls. Auditors (internal and external) use...
Sabine Runge 4 months ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting