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Governance Workflows

Showing 66

Unique Dialog Functionality

Currently, the design options in APG's report dialogues and Humantask dialogues vary widely. E.g. links in table output not possible in both, value attributes not possible in lists in both, plausibility check of entries (e.g. valid date), somethin...
Hubert Warsitz over 2 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Missing Dialog Item - ARIS Group (folder) selection

We miss in APG Dialogs designer ItemARIS Group (folder) selection. This picker is available in standard ARIS evaluation script dialog. No are available only User (user group) selection box or Document selection component. This is necessary e.g. in...
Zdenek Kocourek over 2 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

APG - Delegierter soll als Genehmiger erscheinen

Delegation einer Aufgabe- Es wird weiter der ursprüngliche Genehmiger angezeigt – aber Delegierter soll als Genehmiger erscheinen- Nur Prüfen soll delegiert werden, die Genehmigung selbst soll durch den ursprünglichen Genehmiger erfolgen
Guest over 2 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Retrieving APG instance data

We now use the APG report component interface to enable monitoring on running instances from a functional perspective. It is however not possible to retrieve input/output data from specific tasks. We have built our workflows with restart capabilit...
Edwin Verstraeten over 2 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Methodfilter for APG process modelling

As a APG administrator I want to model my APG governance processes in the ARIS database with a filter that shows me only the modeltypes, symbols, attributes ect. which are needed to create governance models. With such a filter it will be more user...
Jens Heylmann almost 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

signed mails from ariscloud

today only standard mails without encryption or signature are possible in ariscloud our company is currently evaluating the security policy to only allow signed mails in our whole company. This also concerns all cloud supplier. requirement: enable...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Start APG using Hyperlink (with SSO) / APG über Hyperlink starten (mit SSO)

We found a solution with the SAG to start an APG using a hyperlink which can be placed on the desktop. There we see 3 problems: complicated way to generate the hyperlink SSO not working start context is fixed-->Start user is not used from the S...
Florian Gerdes almost 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Move Elements in Dialog Editor / Verschieben von Elementen im Dialog-Editor

Currently there is no easy way to move one element in the dialog-editor to a different place within the dialog. This is needed if the layout needs be changed. The only way to do this is to cut the element and paste it at the new place. The problem...
Florian Gerdes almost 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Performance des Dialog Editors | Performance dialogue editor

Wenn die Maske eine Länge erreicht, die die Höhe des Bildschirms übersteigt, also ein Scrollen notwendig ist, springt die Maske wieder an den Anfangsort zurück. Dadurch muss mit jedem neuen Element wieder gescrollt werden - das Arbeiten dauert bei...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Improvement of dialog editor: allignment, creative, elements, fill-out options, import translations

English: (German below) ARIS Governance is a great tool - but it definitely needs an update for the dialog editor! Why? - The alignment of single elements (height, width,..) should be adjustable. The horizontal and vertical alignment is no help. -...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting