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My ideas: Dashboarding

Showing 84 of 1623

Process impact analysis dashboard

We have created a custom dashboard that shows us all of the objects (applications, org units, locations, suppliers, etc) which relate to our processes. We can then filter by a particular item (e.g. a particular application), and understand all of ...
Cameron Bradbury 11 months ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Treemap visualization in ARIS Aware Dashboards

The existing dashboard visualizations are geared towards flat, linear representations of data. However, at least two aspects in ARIS modelling would benefit from a more hierarchical representation: the hierarchical group (folder) structure into wh...
Pontus Gagge 11 months ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

ARIS Administration| integrate CI (Colors, Fonts) for ARIS dashboarding

Currently, the colors and fonts of ARIS dashboards are not managed via the ARIS Administration (which allows customers to enable their corporate identity in the means of colors and fonts) For the dashboarding component, only a fixed font-family (R...
Monika Leitner 11 months ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Custom colors for multiple KPIs in bar charts

Hello, in ARIS Dashboards, currently, custom colors can be assigned to bar charts if only one KPI is assigned via the "setup" tab. If you want to display several KPIs, the option for color assignment is grayed out (see attached screenshot). It wou...
Samuel Christ about 1 year ago in Dashboarding 0 Already exists

Export Widget in pdf format

Hello maybe is not the right category. Many our customers asked for having the possibility to export charts (bar chart, columns chart, ...) available with Aware as pdf file. Is it possible to think about it? they said that other suppliers (in visu...
Alessia Graci about 1 year ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Ability to convert an ARIS model / diagram into a dashboard foundation (e.g. as a GeoJSON) to overlay information as pie/doughnut/bubble/bar chart, or heatmaps.

The ability to convert an ARIS model / diagram into a dashboard foundation (e.g. as a GeoJSON) to overlay information as pie/doughnut/bubble/bar chart, or heatmaps. Ideally, this would result in the ability to use e.g. a high level process archite...
Alba Grimm over 1 year ago in Dashboarding 1 Open for voting

Allow for BPM maturity assessment

It would be a really cool feature to allow for regular BPM maturity assessments in ARIS. Management often wants to have answers to questions: where do we stand, how did we improve by using a BPM tool, ... I found sth online which looks pretty cool...
Veronika Ellermann over 1 year ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Heat matrix: show more text

The current heat matrix shows the individual items in each field as "bubbles" which have a very limited amount of information. I would like to suggest a configuration option that shows each item as a full line, accompanied with a vertical scroll b...
Jörg Neves Bliesener over 1 year ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Admin Dashboards - Request to enable view beyond the 'top-ten'

Admin Dashboards - Request to enable view beyond the 'top-ten' We need to see all selections of the dashboard for Most Viewed models Most Changed Models Most Changed Objects Most Used Objects Establishing the possible way to get data for each and ...
Pavithra A over 1 year ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

ARIS Aware: Data feed with ADMS - Load all files within a folder

Would be great if the data feed (ARIS documents) could load all files (the same data format) within a folder and merge them into one file during processing. That way I could add delta files to a folder and load them without manually merging them i...
Milan Slivka over 1 year ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting