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Governance Workflows

Showing 70

Custom notification for delegation of a task

Current situation In APG, when a user delegates a task to another user, he does 2 things : select a user write a message When this is done, the chosen user receives the original "Task assignment mail", without mention of the delegation or of the m...
François Barthelemy 6 months ago in Governance Workflows 1 Open for voting

More intelligent dialog designer

With the current dialog designer, it is impossible to create complex dialog views and create a design that behaves in a natural way. It's constantly juggling between customer requirements and abilities of the designer. The behavior of the dialogs ...
Edwin Verstraeten about 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Planned

Publish more than one model in ARIS Connect

One of our clients would like to be able to publsh more than 1 model via the standard publication flows in ARIS Connect. For example when they have an Enterprise BPMN model with FADs assigned to a number of process steps, they have to publish each...
Sylvia Groenbos 12 months ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Dialog report support in view mode should be enabled

n Process Board an user can display a task by using the view button.However the dialog elements with report support are not filled.If the user opens the task by using the edit button, all report supported elements are displayed correctly. At this ...
Richard Verhoef about 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Process board improvements

It would be great to have a new function privilege that will allow to manage all tasks that exist in process board. Manage means - browse all, see who a task is assigned to, search by context name/GUID, delegate, interact through the APG screen as...
Guest about 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Improvement of dialog editor: allignment, creative, elements, fill-out options, import translations

English: (German below) ARIS Governance is a great tool - but it definitely needs an update for the dialog editor! Why? - The alignment of single elements (height, width,..) should be adjustable. The horizontal and vertical alignment is no help. -...
Guest about 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Moving objects with attached data flow to another model

See Empower ticket "5287931": Currently you can not move (cut and paste) object occurances to another model without breaking the attached data flow. If you want to split up an APG process into smaller parts or move some parts to a detailed task to...
Sebastian Huber about 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Unique Dialog Functionality

Currently, the design options in APG's report dialogues and Humantask dialogues vary widely. E.g. links in table output not possible in both, value attributes not possible in lists in both, plausibility check of entries (e.g. valid date), somethin...
Hubert Warsitz almost 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Methodfilter for APG process modelling

As a APG administrator I want to model my APG governance processes in the ARIS database with a filter that shows me only the modeltypes, symbols, attributes ect. which are needed to create governance models. With such a filter it will be more user...
Jens Heylmann about 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

User language added to APG service Retrieve - user information

When working in multilanguages, $variables used in emails are usually not considered regarding languages. It would be interesting to know the user language from its settings when working with APG as the start language of APG flow does not always r...
Tanguy Petre over 1 year ago in Governance Workflows 1 Open for voting